【 デザインについて 】
その下には「LIFE WITH HORSES」(馬と過ごす人生)の文字、その下には、ナチュラル・ホースマンシップの調教法で知られる、クラウス・フェルディナンド氏の著書「馬と踊ろう(Dancing with horses)」の中の主要な言葉を引用しています。
Horses are unique animals in many ways, and because of their distinctive features, horses require a one-to-one relationship.
But, very obvious, but not well known to the general public, this feature is the very secret of the horse we want to know.
Some animals behave in groups and some in families, and horses exhibit both. It's a simple analogy, but it's about acting like a dog and at the same time acting like a cat. 」